Dr. Yuefan Deng

Yuefan Deng entered Columbia University in 1983, after graduating from Nankai University with honors, through a special scholarship program CUSPEA organized by the Chinese-American Nobel laureate Professor T. D. Lee. His Ph.D. thesis on simulating gauge theory with supercomputers, completed in 1989, was supervised by Professor Norman Christ. After a brief stay at NYU’s Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences as Professor James Glimm’s postdoctoral fellow, he joined the faculty of Stony Brook University where he was promoted to full professor of applied mathematics in 1999. As visiting or adjunct professor, Dr. Deng worked at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (1.5 years), the IBM T. J. Watson Research Lab (1.0 year) where he joined the group of Deep Blue, Columbia University (1.0 year), Nanyang Technological University (0.5 years), University of Singapore National University of Singapore (1.0 year), and the Singapore’s Agency of Science, Technology and Research (1.0 year). Dr. Deng has published more than 100 papers in physics, applied mathematics, biomedical engineering, and biosciences plus three books: one on ODEs, one on PDEs, and another on parallel computing. He holds 13 patents in China or US or both. He has supervised and is supervising 30 doctoral students and has taught 10,000 undergraduate students. He is the recipient of the State University of New York Chancellor’s Award of Excellence in Teaching (2016) and the Stony Brook University’s CEAS Dean’s Award of Excellence in Teaching (2016). His research is supported by the US DOE, NIH, NSF, New York State, and ARO, as well as China’s Ministry of Science and Technology.